Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category

Gold Coast wedding celebrant

Thursday, October 1st, 2015

I have been doing a bit of maintenance work for Gold Coast wedding celebrant Shauna Rowe on her website. It is a beautiful website but the WordPress theme that it uses isn’t out of the box overly SEO friendly so I’ve just been cleaning up the html and fundamental SEO tags.

I also install google analytics and webmaster tools ‘so that we can track any changes and improvements over the long term. This in it self was very interesting because it showed that the sites most popular page is her Gold Coast beach weddings page which without the tracking I would have never realised this longtail search phrase was a potential gold mine.

So what is the moral of this post – there is no point in spending money or effort unless you can effectively track your changes– basically how are you going to calculate the ROI (return on investment) of your time and energy. Without effective tracking you may be focusing on the wrong areas or key phrases. And in this competitive day and age that is the last thing you want to be doing :)

This graphic from illustrates the value of longtail key words beautifully just like a romatic beach wedding :)

long tail keywords like gold coast beach weddings

What is a blog or should it be when is “WordPress not a blog?”

Friday, May 9th, 2014

first published Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

How much has changed in the last 6 years- but still this explanation of what is blog is still true but WordPress has evolved over this 6 years to be more of a CMS framework. So while the definition below is true WordPress is so much more these days. Maybe the question should “When is WordPress not a blog?”

A blog is a website that can be thought of as an online journal. The posts or journal entries generally appear in reverse chronological order so the oldest will be closest to the bottom and the newest at the top.

Another important aspect about blogs is that blog sites use particular software to run them which allows users to log in and maintain their posts/entries etc. There are many places that you can sign up for your own blog for free and begin such as wordpress and blogger. With many hosting accounts a wordpress blog is available as a free addon that can be installed but this is not something that I would recommend for a typical user or blogger.
So why blog?
Well it’s a really easy way to self publish and self promote. You sign up for an account and follow your nose- don’t be scared you can’t really break your blog on wordpress and blogger.

Another reason is the search engines absolutely love blogs so blogging can be a great way to increase your websites search engine optimization results. It’s not a magic wand but with a bit of a strategy your blog make act like fairy dust for your search engine optimizations rankings.
Strategies for blogs
Well that another post topic altogether so check back soon and we’ll look at some