Another great web dev tools

UPDATE: Damm it this site has been down for a couple of days so I am going to have to find another good phone and ipad emulator :( as soon as I do I will be updating this post .

I am loving the emulator tool.tweedremovals

Why? You ask?

  • Let me list the reasons for my love  :)
  • It actually renders mobile webpages more accurately than any other web-based simulator.
  • It simulates a touchscreen interface and sends requests with your chosen user agent eg iphone 4, iphone 5, samsung galaxy etc- ok it doesn’t have the latest devices you web devs probably do and its actually old devices you need to test in.
  • Its quick without a ton of advertising and closest scams- I know everyone has to make money but some sites just take it way too far.
  • Its free  and you don’t need an account. Sometime I just need a really quick testing option

When I was testing the visual rendering of my example responsive  tweed removals website it was a life saver.

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